Sadan Investment Company is not just a real estate marketing company aimed at selling units in various projects; it offers a different and new real estate experience in the Egyptian market.

Sadan Investment entered the real estate market to change the concept of buying and selling in the minds of many and also to change the concept of a real estate broker.

Many clients believe that the term “real estate broker” refers to a person or a specific entity through which the client completes the buying or selling process. However, Sadan Investment decided to change this concept completely.

Your real estate experience, whether buying or selling, is different with Sadan Investment because their role does not end with the completion of the buying or selling process. Instead, Sadan’s main role begins with the client after the transaction is completed, unlike other companies.

Get to Know Sadan Investment Sadan Investment is owned by the famous businessman Abdullah Abu Hashima and its board of directors comprises a large number of elite professionals with real estate backgrounds.

The experience of those running Sadan Investment dates back to 2006 in the Egyptian real estate market, with significant diversity encompassing contracting, marketing, and development of real estate units in various areas.

Sadan Investment plans to achieve sales of up to 2 billion pounds in its first year in real estate marketing.

It is noteworthy that the slogan of Sadan Investment for real estate marketing since its inception has been “Not Just a Real Estate Broker,” which is applied in reality because the company aims to create a permanent client, not just a buyer or seller whose relationship with the company ends with the completion of the transaction.

Sadan Investment Offers a Different Real Estate Message

Sadan Investment emphasizes that it is not just a real estate broker because it provides a different real estate message to the client looking for a trustworthy entity to accompany them through their real estate journey, even after the transaction is completed.

The client’s journey with Sadan Investment does not end with the signing of the contract; it is a continuous and endless journey. As a client choosing Sadan Investment as a real estate marketer, you require that this marketer think unconventionally to find solutions and ways to solve any problems you face during your journey.

Services of Sadan Investment

Sadan Investment ensures a significant and effective role in the client’s journey to make a buying or selling decision. Therefore, it has divided its services into two equally important sections:

Pre-Sale Stage

Sadan Investment offers a wide variety of units (administrative, commercial, residential, hotel) and helps you choose among them, focusing on making the choice suitable for you, your financial capabilities, and your purchasing power.

Initially, the sales representative in the company identifies all your needs and aspirations for your real estate unit and then discusses your financial capabilities.

During this stage, you will be provided with guidance from the real estate experts at Sadan Investment on all projects available in the market, giving you the full opportunity to choose the suitable project.

The experts at Sadan Investment conduct a comprehensive scientific analysis of all the options available to you, presenting all suitable opportunities and leaving the final decision to you.

Sadan Investment will also help you determine the best time to buy, recognizing the importance of timing in the buying or selling process.

Post-Sale Stage

When Sadan Investment chose the slogan “Not Just a Real Estate Broker,” it was right because its core real estate message, which changed the thinking of the real estate market, is based on the ongoing relationship with the client even after the sale.

Sadan Investment ensures to stay a few steps ahead during the buying or selling journey, ensuring that all paperwork is in order and participating in selecting the appropriate developer and real estate unit for the client.

Additionally, Sadan Investment follows up with the client step by step regarding:

  1. Project execution steps.
  2. Assisting in creating an investment plan with a specific timeline.
  3. Helping with selling or renting steps.
  4. Reminding of installment dates.
  5. Providing all updates and news of the real estate market.

This is achieved through a high-level customer service team that provides you with a dedicated support team to follow up with each client individually, offering:

  • Support in case of any problems with the development company.
  • Legal and financial consultations.
  • Reminding of installment or payment dates.

Sadan Investment aims to gain the client’s trust by providing all the services needed and excelling in post-sale services.

Why Choose Sadan Investment?

In addition to aiming for the client’s comfort even after the sale, Sadan Investment also places great importance on the initial steps of the client’s real estate journey.

Sadan Investment ensures to take several steps before recommending any project or real estate unit to the client:

  • Studying the real estate market and reaching intensive data and analyses of what is happening in it.
  • Analyzing the existing real estate developers in the market and comparing them to reach a decision in the client’s best interest.
  • Evaluating various projects and making comparisons between them.
  • Therefore, Sadan Investment is your ideal choice when buying any real estate unit, whether for living or investment purposes.

It is worth mentioning that Sadan Investment has a significant diversity of projects as it markets projects in all regions of the Arab Republic of Egypt and also plans to expand to Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Kuwait.